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Energy Usage & Carbon Emissions

VRL is obligated to report to the Australian Federal Government under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act ("NGER"). This report includes all direct fuel and energy usage, electricity usage, and the associated greenhouse gas emissions, in respect of all Australian facilities under the Group's 'Operational Control', as defined under NGER. The report is submitted to the Federal Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency each year in October. The summary of the current year NGER report is available on this website, as well as summary reports from prior years.

Beyond mandatory reporting, VRL was invited to participate in the climate change questionnaire from Carbon Disclosure Project (“CDP”), a not for profit organisation operating worldwide supervised by a UK regulated charity. CDP holds the largest collection globally of self-reported data on climate change, water and risks associated with forest commodities and provides investors representing US$94 trillion in assets with disclosure of potential environmental risks and opportunities by over 5,000 companies representing 59% of total world market capitalisation. In 2015 VRL was a finalist in CDP’s Australian Climate Leadership Awards in the Best Climate Disclosure by a new Responding Company category.

VRL is also committed to both better monitoring and management of energy usage, with internal monitoring of Group-wide greenhouse gas emissions and energy usage on an ongoing basis site by site proving a useful tool towards reporting and improving on VRL's energy management.

Electricity use remains the biggest single source of carbon emissions across each of the VRL Group's businesses, VRL's prior energy audits (completed with independent consultants) at various sites have proven valuable in assisting these businesses to understand how and where they use energy and the possibilities to improve. Work undertaken since completion of the audits includes implementation of straightforward energy efficiency projects with short paybacks and further analysis of more complicated projects for possible implementation.

Local temperature continues to be the biggest driver of electricity usage, for example air conditioning demands in summer. This variable impacts most of the VRL businesses more than other variables such as gate attendance or admissions. As such, in terms of future relevant energy management, local temperature levels need to be considered, as does other influencing factors such as changes within the businesses including the opening and/or closing of exhibits and attractions.